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Messages API fields

Field list and details for the /messages API

Marcus Warren avatar
Written by Marcus Warren
Updated over a month ago

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Type: Integer
Length: 4 bytes (max: 4294967295)
The Envoke message ID.

Required for all delete, or update calls. Automatically generated; do not provide for insert.


Immutable. In order to change the status of a message, use API calls for "/send" or "/cancel".

Type: Enumerated List

List of statuses:

  • "Draft": The default state for a new message. Only draft messages may be edited.

  • "Scheduled": A message that is scheduled to be sent, see the related field "send_time".

  • "AB test in progress": An AB test message in progress of sending. AB tests are available in the UI only, they cannot be created with the API.

  • "Queuing": During busy times a sending message may show this status, before beginning the process of sending.

  • "Sending": A message in the process of currently sending.

  • "Nurture": An automated message. May be part of a series. Can be assigned to contacts via form submissions or the "autoresponders" field of the contacts API.

  • "Sent": A message that has completed sending.


Type: Datetime
Returned in the format "Y-m-d H:i:s". This field is ignored on updates.


Type: Datetime
Returned in the format "Y-m-d H:i:s". This field is automatically updated upon changes to the message.


Type: URL

The "view online" or preview link for the message. This field is automatically generated and cannot be updated.


Type: Boolean

Default: False
When set to true, the message will display as part of the email public archives after it has been sent.


Type: Boolean

Default: Based on account setting
When set to true, links in the message will automatically be tagged with UTM variables (primarily used for Google Analytics or other web analytics software).


Type: String
Length: 32
Automatically generated, may not be edited. The Envoke “external_id” field is a 32 character string.


Type: String
Length: 100 (max)
The message name. Displayed in the messages list in the Envoke UI and in reports. Minimum length 3 characters.


Type: String
Length: 120 (max)
The message subject line. Minimum length 6 characters.


Type: String or Integer

The folder where the message will be displayed in the Envoke UI messages list. Not required; by default messages will not be grouped and will appear in the "All" section of the messages list.

Either the folder ID or name may be provided to update this value.


Type: String or Integer

Either the sender ID or value may be provided to update this value.

If providing the value, senders must be in the following format:


For example: John Doe <>


Type: String
Length: 2 characters

Envoke supports the following language codes with full translations on the "consent & subscription preferences" page.

  • "en" = English

  • "fr" = French


Type: String or Integer

Either the subscription ID or name may be provided to update this value.

The recipient_subscription may be "Mandatory consent".

Additional recipient_tag or recipient_segment values may be provided with this field. This will cause the contacts selected to be narrowed down as in the "Recipients" tab interface of the email editor.


Type: String or Integer

Either the tag ID or name may be provided to update this value.

A "recipient_tag" may not be provided at the same time as a "recipient_segment".


Type: String or Integer

Either the segment ID or name may be provided to update this value.

A "recipient_segment" may not be provided at the same time as a "recipient_tag".


Type: String

The HTML for the message. Due to large content length the "html" field is not returned by default when making GET requests. Add the parameter ?include_html=1 in order to return the message data including the HTML field.

Unlike "template_id" which is only available when creating a message, the "html" of a message may be updated using PATCH requests.


Type: Integer

The ID of an existing message or template to be used as the HTML for the new message. This field is only valid for POST when creating a new message.

Only one of the fields "html" and "template_id" may be provided when creating a new message.

Envoke Message Object

"id": "1234567",
"external_id": "26d66d0a3cd805c2871673e1414448d4",
"preview_url": "",
"create_time": "2024-11-20 11:53:41",
"modified_time": "2024-11-20 18:48:19",
"name": "API example message",
"group": "",
"status": "Draft",
"send_time": "",
"sender": "Envoke Sales <>",
"subject": "",
"language": "en",
"recipient_subscription": "",
"recipient_tag": "",
"recipient_segment": "",
"publish_archive": false,
"utm_tag_links": true
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