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Return a list of messages
Endpoint: /messages
βHTTP method: GET
Get a list of message objects. This list can be filtered by a number of conditions see API Filtering. The result set can be returned sorted, limited to a total number of results and paged by skipping a number of records. The result limit is 100 records in a single request, when no limit is set it defaults to 10 records.
NOTE: All examples below are formatted for readability, actual GET requests require URI encoding. Each example below also includes a cURL request. Make sure to change the API_ID and API_KEY with your values.
Message HTML
Due to the size of the typical message html property it's not returned in a listing of messages. To include it in your result set use the 'include_html' query parameter when returning a single message.
Get a single message with the id "1234"
Without HTML:
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
With HTML:
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
Return all messages
NOTE: With no limit specified the API will only return the first 10 records.
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
Skipping messages and limiting the result set
Get the second set of 10 messages from 11-20
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
Find 5 messages sorted by name ascending[name]=ASC&limit=5
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
Find a message by subject[subject]=test%20message
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
Return a key value pair (id & name) for all messages
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
"123": "test message",
"124": "Winter update",
"125": "Newsletter 25",