Subscriber growth report
This reports shows a net change in your contact list by consent status.
New subscribers are either new contacts who were added to your list or existing contacts whose consent status changed to now allow receiving emails.
a contact filled out a form and provided express or implied consent
contacts were imported with express or implied consent
an unsubscribed contact re-subscribed
Churned subscribers are contacts whose consent status changed to prevent you from sending them emails.
a contact unsubscribed or reported spam
implied consent expired
Note: contacts with invalid emails (for example: typo in the email address, abandoned email address that no longer exist) aren't excluded from this report at this time.
Consent status overview
This report provides an overview of contacts on your list grouped by consent status. Click on the numbers to view contacts that belong to each group.
Subscriber churn analytics
This report shows why you lost emailable contacts. Click on the numbers to view contacts belonging to each group.
Set on user preferences page, via consent confirmation email
Contact revoked consent after having received the consent confirmation email. A small percentage of contacts do this despite the intention of the consent confirmation email, which is to collect express consentSet on user preferences page, via re-consenting banner
Contact revoked as a result of the re-consenting banner. A small percentage of contacts do this despite the intention of the re-consenting banner, which is to collect express consentSet on user preferences page
A contact revoked consent after visiting the consent and preferences page.Consent expired
Implied consent expiredFeedback loop
Contacts reported the email as spam to their email provided. This spam report is then sent to Envoke and in turn contacts are unsubscribed."Implied - Inquiry" consent does not apply to contacts in the EU
This consent status is not applicable in the EU."Implied - Transaction" consent does not apply to contacts in the EU
This consent status is not applicable in the EU.