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Note that tags and subscriptions in the API are referred to as "interests" to match the contacts API.
NOTE: this is a version 2 API, and requires /v2/ in the route.
Return all tags and subscriptions
Endpoint: /v2/interests
βHTTP method: GET
NOTE: All examples below are formatted for readability, actual GET requests require URI encoding. Each example below also includes a cURL request. Make sure to change the API_ID and API_KEY with your values.
Return all tags and subscriptions
curl -X GET -u API_ID:API_KEY ""
Return type
An array of objects containing the tag or subscription data.
The "type" field will have the value "subscription" for subscriptions.
Result example
"id": "1234",
"external_id": "7f001a962afec30f0525d0a716bd9d04",
"type": "interest",
"name": "Agents",
"group": "Sales channel",
"description": "",
"display_names": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
Additional examples
Return subscriptions only:
Return the result as a key / value pair like the previous v1 API:
Return results from a specified folder (be sure to URL encode):