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Email campaign reports

Metrics available for each sent e-blast

Marcel Ursprung avatar
Written by Marcel Ursprung
Updated over a week ago

Reporting overview

Email campaign reports help to understand how contacts interact with your content.

Due to complexity and heavy involvement of bots in the email delivery process metrics aren't 100% accurate. This is not a unique limitation to Envoke. Here's a general overview of what is and what isn't possible.

Reports can't positively tell if emails are actually seen by contacts, yet open and click rates are still your best options to track activity.

Bounce reporting on the other hand is the most accurate. If an email bounces that means it wasn't seen by contacts for sure. Read more about email bounce management.

Note that failures can take up to 48hrs to show up in reports because in case of transient failures, such as times out connections, the Envoke mail servers will try to resend the message up to 10 times and only mark it bounced after the resend efforts failed.

Whether a failed delivery is considered a bounce right away (which can be a soft bounce or hard bounce) or a transient failure, which is then eligible for resends, is determined by the error code sent back by mail servers.

For all other scenarios where there isn't a bounce there are opens and clicks which are the best metrics there are for measuring engagement but you have to bear in mind that a portion of opens and clicks can be by bots. Read more about open tracking in emails and bot clicks.

If there is no bounce, no open and no click then all we can know for certain is that the email wasn't rejected by the mail server (there wasn't a bounce) and it wasn't interacted with by the recipient (or in some cases bots) but the email can still be in a spam folder, quarantined or it can be in inboxes and never opened.

Email campaign reports

The email campaign report is available for every email campaign and includes detailed information about the email's performance.

Explanation of terminology used in reports

Here's what happens when you send an email campaign:


Total number of emails that was actually sent - contacts who weren't eligible to be sent emails (skipped contacts) due to consent revoked, invalid email or too many bounces are excluded.


Sent emails that didn't fail. This includes all emails that can potentially reach inboxes. There is no way to know for sure if these emails are quarantined or sent to spam folders. Read more about deliverability.

Failed / bounced

Contacts who were sent the e-blast but email delivery failed.

  • Soft bounce is a temporary failure that may correct itself later (for example network down, mailbox full)

  • Hard bounce is a permanent failure that will not work later (for example invalid email address)

Bounces are managed automatically to ensure you have a clean list. Read more about bounce management.


Number of unique contacts who opened the message. 

Multiple opens by the same contact are counted only once. For example if a contact opens the message on their mobile phone, at work and at home it's still counted as a single open.

Opens by app and device

The open rate breakdown report by app and device tells you what app (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Apple, etc) and what device (mobile or desktop) was used to open your email. These reports, however, aren't fully accurate due to privacy practices by email providers that block open tracking.


Note: The overall clicks in an email campaign shows the total number of unique recipients who clicked on any link. 

  • Only the first click on any link by a unique user is recorded. Multiple clicks on the same link or clicks on multiple links by the same contact are only counted once.

  • Unlike open tracking, click tracking doesn't use images, which means that there is no difference between reported and actual clicks.

  • Only links that begin with http:// or https:// can be tracked. Clicks on email address (mailto:), phone links and anchor links can't be tracked.

  • Opens and clicks are not tracked in test messages.

  • Clicks in the overview part of the reports (above the "Links clicked" section) exclude clicks to the "view online" link and to the email preferences page, including unsubscribe links. The detailed click report (in and below the "Links clicked" section) include links to every link including the view online link and clicks to the email preferences page.

Link tracking

Note: Unlike the overall message Clicks metric (unique per contact), here clicks are counted as unique per contact and per link.

Each individual link is tracked separately. If a contact clicks the same link more than once that’s only counted as one click. If a contact clicks on multiple links then these clicks are counted for each unique link. For this reason the total number of clicks for the email campaign (See Clicks which are unique per contact) can be less than the sum of clicks on individual links because the same contact can click on multiple links.

For text links the linked text (anchor text) is shown in reports along with the destination website/URL. 

For images either the image file URL is shown as the source of a click or the Alternative Text (Alt tag), if it's defined. 

Spam reporting

  • Envoke Spam Reported: A result of a user reporting the message as spam/abuse on the Email Preferences page.

  • External Spam Reported: A result of a user clicking the "Report Spam" button inside their email program.

Skipped contacts

Contacts that were part of the target list but weren't sent the email for one of the following reasons:

  • no valid consent: unsubscribed or consent expired

  • invalid email: email no longer in service, typo, etc.

  • fail score too high: too many previous failures; emails from previous e-blasts increased fail score beyond the threshold. More about fail scores here.

  • double opt-in not confirmed: applies only if the double opt-in option is enabled and the contact came from a form submission but didn't confirm their email address.

Reporting on multiple email campaigns

You can report on all emails that are filed under a specific folder. Click the gear icon near the folder name and select "Folder report"

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