This help page is intended for technical users with expertise using JavaScript.
The ability to add custom JavaScript is accessible based on user roles.
Standard Javascript
<script src="//"></script>
jQuery is included in all Envoke templates. For forms that are embedded via Javascript it is included with the following namespace:
Example usage:
nvkForm.jQuery(document).ready(function() {});
This ensures there will be no conflicts with other instances of jQuery included on the parent page.
Adding custom Javascript libraries
Include the <script> tag with the javascript library in the template HTML using the "HTML editor" tab.
Use the Javascript section in the "CSS/JS" tab to load and configure the library. Developer access is required to access this page.
In the example below, a countdown timer plugin is loaded.
Note that wrapping in the jQuery $(document).ready() function may be required
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my-count-down-timer').county({ endDateTime: new Date('2022/02/02 14:00:00') });});