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Emojis in emails and subject lines

How to add an emoji to your messages

Zoltan Wagner avatar
Written by Zoltan Wagner
Updated over a week ago

You can paste emojis anywhere into your βœ‰οΈ, including the subject line and pre-header text.

Here are a few things to consider and steps to add emojis to your message.

Will emojis display correctly in all email clients?

Emoji support has come a long way but they still won't work on every device and in every email client. If your contacts view your email on an unsupported device or operating system they will see a rectangle π„˜ , question mark ⍰, blank space _ or the word emoji instead of the actual emoji.Β 

This is not an Envoke limitation, it's related to operating systems and email clients.Β 

  • Approximately half of all emails are opened on mobile devices and the vast majority of modern mobile operating systems display emojis correctly.Β 

  • Of the remaining half, Windows 7 is the most popular desktop operating system where emojis won't display correctly. As of October 2021, Windows 7 has 13% market share.

  • Using emojis in subject lines can result in increased open rates but it very much depends on your audience and business.

  • The possible gains in increased open rates may outweigh the bad user experience from contacts who don't see them correctly. It depends on how comfortable you're with taking risks in your email marketing.Β 

  • If a possibility of a bad character ⍰ π„˜ in your subject line sounds scary then you should stick to plain text. Feeling experimental or communicating to digital natives? Go for it!

How to add emojis to Envoke messages

STEP 1: Find your emoji and copy it to your clipboard:

A good website to use is but there are many others.

STEP 2: Paste it into your email or subject line

(CTRL+V on a PC / Command ⌘ + V on a Mac)

STEP 3: Test it!

As always, be sure to send a test message before launching your e-blast.

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