Testing messages is part of the email deployment process. During testing be sure to check the sender name and email, subject line and look out for broken links in addition to the email layout.
Click the "Test" button on the message editor page.ย
Clicking the "Test" button automatically saves your message, no need to click "Save" first.
Enter one or more email addresses separated by commas to send the test message to.
On the Account Settings page you can save a list of email addresses that you send test messages to frequently.
Click the "Send test" button.
Check your inbox for the test message. Test messages arrive within a few minutes.
The subject line of test messages start with "Test message from Envoke:" so you can easily tell test messages apart from final sends.
Troubleshooting email testing
Can't send a test message
All contacts - including test message recipients - must have provided consent to receive emails. If you have accidentally unsubscribed the email you are trying to send a test message to you can't send a test message to that contact. To fix this error you need to re-subscribe the contact by find the contact on the contact list page and updating its consent status.
Test messaging not appearing in your inbox
The test email may be in the spam folder. If the email is not in your spam folder then it may be blocked. A potential solution is to set up Domain Key Authentication.