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Troubleshooting internal inbox delivery

Emails not arriving to internal email inboxes

Jon Maybury avatar
Written by Jon Maybury
Updated over 9 months ago

Technical requirements

The first step to troubleshoot internal email delivery issues is to confirm that technical settings (DKIM, DMARC and SPF) are all configured as explained on this page.

Depending on your internal email policy you may also need to whitelist Envoke's IP addresses.

If you have completed all of the steps described above and emails are still not arriving to your inbox, or only arrive intermittently, then you need to contact your IT team to troubleshoot further. Envoke only has control over how emails are sent. Whether the emails are delivered to inboxes is controlled by your internal email server settings.

What is internal email delivery?

Internal email delivery means emails sent from to another email address

Internal delivery issues arise when your organization's mail server rejects messages because the they don't recognize and email sent from Envoke as a legitimate email that is authorized to send messages on behalf of your organization.

In the majority of cases your contacts with external email addresses will receive emails without issues even if you don't receive emails internally.

Rule out external delivery issues

Send a test message to an external email address to check if they arrive. For example if your email is then try sending tests to This way you can confirm if delivery issues are limited to internal emails only.

Additional information

Getting emails delivered to an inbox is a joint effort between the sender (Envoke) and the recipient (your organization). The sender and the recipient communicate via mail servers.

In order for emails to be placed in inboxes the recipient's mail server performs many checks. The rules that determine whether or not an email is placed in inboxes vary greatly among mail servers.

The recipient's mail server can take different actions with emails. Emails can be:

  • Accepted and placed in the inbox

  • Rejected (bounce)

  • Quarantined (placed in a secure environment where it can be viewed without risk)

  • Sent to the spam folder

  • Delayed (throttled delivery)

Envoke's mail servers send emails according to up to date industry standard specifications using the same base settings for every customer. Customers may need to apply additional settings depending on how their mail servers are configured. You will need to involve your IT team for this.

It's a one-time process that requires no ongoing maintenance in most cases. The steps involved are not specific to Envoke, all email providers have similar requirements and recommendations.

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